all postcodes in NE17 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE17 7AA 1 54.92064 -1.815586
NE17 7AB 0 54.922363 -1.812915
NE17 7AD 1 54.92168 -1.812747
NE17 7AE 0 54.921915 -1.813401
NE17 7AF 0 54.92188 -1.814322
NE17 7AG 1 54.922321 -1.815688
NE17 7AH 0 54.922284 -1.819812
NE17 7AJ 0 54.923194 -1.815283
NE17 7AN 0 54.925291 -1.806286
NE17 7AP 1 54.930221 -1.8049
NE17 7AQ 0 54.922616 -1.81992
NE17 7AR 0 54.932074 -1.806296
NE17 7AS 0 54.926916 -1.810491
NE17 7AT 0 54.930876 -1.828367
NE17 7AU 1 54.930653 -1.827843
NE17 7AW 0 54.925976 -1.801914
NE17 7AX 1 54.93008 -1.843356
NE17 7AY 0 54.925514 -1.842235
NE17 7AZ 0 54.924121 -1.829072
NE17 7BA 1 54.921428 -1.812608